Privacy Policy

The data controller is Momocode Ltd (Finnish business id 2578144-8). Contact email is

During signup the following data will be recorded:

  • email address
  • first name
  • last name
  • password, if an external login is not used.

The user may freely modify the above data through account management.

If the user is authorized externally through Google or a team's LTI integration, external user id is also recorded to maintain connection to the user in the external system.

During the user of the service, the user can provide and manage the following data:

  • course registrations
  • team memberships
  • comment templates
  • writing submissions
  • writing feedback.

Not all data entered can be edited by the user afterwards, for example writing submissions that have already been submitted and sent to teacher for review.

The data collected is used for:

  • managing permissions
  • sending notifications (notifications can be disabled)
  • displaying the relevant information of the student to the teacher of courses the student joins
  • displaying the relevant information of the teacher of a course to the students joining the course
  • displaying the relevant information of the teacher to the team manager of team the teacher joins.

System logs are used to

  • monitor servers
  • solving technical problems
  • investigating misuse.

Persons with permissions to access the data include

  • system administrators.

No data is transferred to third parties or outside EU.

A user can verify their data through account management or by contacting the data controller via email at

The servers and the data are kept so that they are only accessible by named administrators of the system.